This app has been one of my favorites for years, even when it first launched and the renderings were more simplistic, watching this app evolve makes me very excited. If youre an anatomy & physiology student, YOU NEED THIS APP. If youre just interested in the human body, YOU NEED this app. Its price tag may be heavy, but it is a masterpiece. You will have a new perspective and appreciation of the human body (which we all have).
My ONLY complaint- well, more like a suggestion, is I believe the brain- the most complex organ in the body, needs more rendering work done on it; I would like to see more structures of the Central Nervous System, as well as a whole section in the animations dedicated to neurology. Neuroanatomically, I would like to see areas such as the Ventral Tegmental Area, the Nucleus Accumbens, the Substantial Nigra, the Striatum, and more in more in-depth explanations of the cortical areas. I could be nit-picking here, but if there were a way for the app to incorporate data from fMRI data so we could see how information streams throughout our brain, that would be phenomenal. So far so good though! I look forward to each and every update this app has to offer.